First I'll describe the editors on the major platforms you might use, and then the IDEs which are usually platform independent. Text editors are usually a lot more generic and easier to learn, but have less language-specific help. An IDE usually has a longer an steeper learning curve, but it can provide you more help writing and debugging code. Formatted printing in Perl using printf and sprintfįor Perl development you can either use a plain text editor or an Integrated Development Environment, also called IDE.Statement modifiers: reversed if statements.Minimal requirement to build a sane CPAN package.Use of implicit split to is deprecated.Have exceeded the maximum number of attempts (1000) to open temp file/dir.Possible precedence issue with control flow operator.readline() on closed filehandle in Perl.Useless use of private variable in void context.Useless use of hash element in void context.Can't locate object method "." via package "1" (perhaps you forgot to load "1"?)."my" variable masks earlier declaration in same scope.Can't use string (.) as an HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at.Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at.Global symbol requires explicit package name.Reading from LDAP in Perl using Net::LDAP.Simple Database access using Perl DBI and SQL.Sending HTML e-mail using Email::Stuffer.
Installing a Perl Module from CPAN on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.
Traversing the filesystem - using a queue.How to remove, copy or rename a file with Perl.qx or backticks - running external command and capturing the output.Running external programs from Perl with system.Current working directory in Perl (cwd, pwd).trim - removing leading and trailing white spaces with Perl.Count the frequency of words in text using Perl.exists - check if a key exists in a hash.Understanding recursive subroutines - traversing a directory tree.Returning multiple values or a list from a subroutine in Perl.Variable number of parameters in Perl subroutines.Passing multiple parameters to a function in Perl.Loop controls: next, last, continue, break.Reverse Polish Calculator in Perl using a stack.Manipulating Perl arrays: shift, unshift, push, pop.Reading from a file in scalar and list context.Scalar and List context in Perl, the size of an array.Perl split - to cut up a string into pieces.Advanced usage of Getopt::Long for accepting command line arguments.How to process command line arguments in Perl using Getopt::Long.Processing command line arguments - in Perl.slurp mode - reading a file in one - move the position in the filehandle in Perl.Reading and writing binary files in Perl.Standard output, standard error and command line redirection.String functions: length, lc, uc, index, substr.Here documents, or how to create multi-line strings in Perl.Strings in Perl: quoted, interpolated and escaped.undef, the initial value and the defined function of Perl.String operators: concatenation (.), repetition (x).Conditional statements, using if, else, elsif in Perl.Automatic string to number conversion or casting in Perl.Prompt, read from STDIN, read from the keyboard in Perl.Common Warnings and Error messages in Perl.Core Perl documentation and CPAN module documentation.The Hash-bang line, or how to make a Perl scripts executable on Linux.Installing and getting started with Perl.